There are a few ways in which a high-pressure salesperson can try to get a contract signed TODAY.

This is usually tackled by instilling a sense of urgency with the homeowner(s). for example:

” If you can agree to move forward with us today, I am authorized to give a 15% off discount!”

Rest assured, that deal will be on the table should you decide to go with that contractor a week or 2 later.

This is called “Objection Handling” and it is the foundation for which every “sales guru” builds their system off of. Simply put, it is a list of pre-scripted responses to concerns that a homeowner may have. Companies and salespeople alike spend a fortune trying to master the art of “objection handling”. There are seminars, online trainings, boot camps, private consulting, and even flash card decks; all designed to skirt around a homeowner’s concerns and get a sale!

“I like what you’re offering me, but I will need to talk it over with my significant other”

“I completely understand; but just so I understand, do you have to run all major decisions by your significant other?”

There are a few ways in which a roofing sales representative can achieve this. The most common are:

“I’m not trying to scare you, but …..”

“We are expecting a material price increase in the near future, and I don’t know how long these prices will be good for.”

This is a bit of an exaggeration, and the salesperson is being intentionally vague. We are ALWAYS given advanced notice (usually around a month heads up) when the supply houses are going to raise prices. Additionally, they will say “expect between a 5-8% increase”.

“I can’t guarantee that your roof won’t start leaking the next time it rains”

In extreme cases this can in fact be an accurate assessment. If it is a small/isolated area that the salesperson is concerned about, simply ask that he/she place a temporary tarp over the area. Any roofer coming on to your property that doesn’t have the materials on-hand to perform a temporary dry-in is an instant red flag!